A carburetor is an important part of a vehicle’s engine.  It’s actually a part of the intake system, which is located between the air filter and engine.

The main job of the carburetor is to mix gasoline vapor with air so it can be burned as fuel by the engine so your vehicle runs smoothly. The mixture that comes out of a carburetor has to be just right for efficient combustion—too much or too little, and the engine will cause problems like sluggishness, low acceleration, rough idle speed and/or sound like a terrible cough.

The carburetor is the heart of any engine. It regulates how much fuel enters and when it can do so, based on your foot’s movement to accelerate or reduce speed. The more gas that flows into a carburetor, the faster you go! 

What Makes Up the Carburetor

There are three basic parts to a carburetor. The float chamber is at the top of the device. It contains a small amount of gasoline that’s constantly being fed into an inlet valve by way of gravity from a fuel tank . The fuel valve controls how much gas flows into the carburetor. It has many important functions like regulating engine revolutions per minute (rpm), maintaining constant air/gas mix ratio for combustion purposes, and serving as an overflow container if there isn’t enough room elsewhere in the system to store excess pressure build up.

A float is attached to a metal slide inside the chamber. The amount of gasoline in the float will determine how high or low it floats and, therefore, changes the fuel level inside the chamber . If there’s too much gas in the chamber, for example, the float will sink and shut off fuel flow to keep the maximum level from being reached.

From the float chamber, fuel flows through a main jet before it goes to the engine. The main fuel jet is considered the carburetor’s primary control element for speed and power of an engine.

After passing through this valve, gas enters the metering chamber . There are small openings in the wall to allow air into the chamber and keep the fuel-to-air mixture correct.

Carburetor repair at Ray Roach Service Center, and Saint John auto repair garage.

Because there are small openings in this wall, it is possible for air that’s already been used to be pulled back through the carburetor and returned to the engine. The interior of a modern carburetor contains hair-thin passages called venturis that are designed to prevent this from happening. These passages create a vacuum for the used air to be sucked back into the combustion chamber, recirculating it and keeping it out of the main fuel flow.

When gasoline is combusted by an engine , it creates pressure in addition to heat. The pressure pushes against a rubber diaphragm (or slide) , which is attached to a needle valve, allowing the air and fuel mixture to be drawn into the engine . The linkage between the slide and needle valve acts like a throttle control for regulating how much fuel can enter at one time .

When conditions are right—after all that has just been explained –the intricate flow of gases into the engine can be perfectly timed, and the car will run well.

When conditions are not right—such as too much fuel in the carburetor or a bad spark plug —the result is an explosive backfire that may damage nearby components, such as a catalytic converter, muffler or other parts of the exhaust system .


How To Tell You Are Having Carburetor Problems

  • Engine idles at high speed
  • Engine will not start
  • Engine will not accelerate
  • Engine wlll not idle
  • Engine lacks power at high speed
  • Engine overspeeds
  • Your vehicle begins smelling sweet, like a bakery exploded inside of it
  • Your engine begins to shake violently or lacks power
Carburetor repair at Ray Roach Service Center, and Saint John auto repair garage.

For all your carburetor auto repair Saint John needs, contact Ray Roach Service Center.

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